Sea of crisis

The Luna Maria are basaltic flood plains and ridges formed by volcanic action which show up as dark areas on the surface of the moon.

From the Sound of Harris I can see Roineabhal a mountain over 1,500 million years old. The rock is made up of anorthosite studded with garnets, a rock found on the moon. As a teenager in the 70’s the moon landing was the most remarkable event watched by us on the TV. Everyone became familiar with the Sea of Tranquillity, the other ‘Maria’ perhaps not to well-remembered. The Sea of Crises is the title of these works as a sea that is full of remarkable rocks weathered by the sea, amazing geology and exciting tides.

The Shiant Isles mean the Enchanted Isles. An enchantment is not necessarily a thing of peaceful beauty. It can be terrifying and malevolent as well. My father came to the Outer Hebrides saying he ‘knew them ’from escorting the North Atlantic Convoys during WW2. He could not understand why I wanted to go to such an inhospitable place. The danger of German U Boats seemed almost secondary to the terror of the seas and rocks. But he came to see me in the summer and experienced the light long days, the flower studded machair and was enchanted.

Both Seas exist. The Tranquill and the Crises.

Blast Off

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W200cm


Blow Hole

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W150cm


Blown Away

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W150cm


Back to Black

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W150cm



Watercolour on paper, H50 x W70cm


Volcanic Vertebrae

Watercolour on paper, H50 x W100cm



Watercolour on paper, H50 x W70cm


Crisis Triptych

Watercolour on paper, H50 x W240cm


Critical Force

Watercolour on paper, H50 x W240cm

Critical Mass

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W150cm

Critical Point

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W100cm

Cutting Edge

Watercolour on paper, H70 x W150cm